Thursday, 7 April 2016

Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

For our thriller, we used many techniques to attract/address our audience, such as creating enigma and darker themes to intice the audience into watching.
  We did this to grab the audiences attention and hook them. The enigma we created was created through many parts of the thriller, making the audience ask questions of the thriller and want to find out more, such as; the bag that the main character drops at the beginning as to why it is there and what is inside it, whats the wall in the upstairs room for and whats it about (asks more questions about his position in life/job etc.), why he takes a pill (which is also unknown as to what the pill actually is) and finally what the non-diegetic sounds are building up to and creating tension for. This attracts our audience as they want to be challanged by what they are watching in terms of figuring out the story, and the enigma we create in the thriller does this.
  Our thriller also attracts our audience through the Sudden twist we added at the end of the thriller, as it comes as an unexpected surprise, which would again confuse the audience and keep them on the edge of their seat, as they now realise that anything could happen throughout the thriller and so want to keep watching.
  These ways of hooking the audience is how we attracted our audience, as we knew that these are the things they would want to watch in a thriller according to our target audience and research.

The thriller idetntifies with the audience, as the main character is of a similar age and has similar traits/interests to the target audience we have in mind, which therefore means the audience can relate to our main character and identify with him.
  The thriller may also identify with the audience due to the sudden outburst the main character has, as he is psychologically damaged, which may be similar to some of the audience and therefore could feel and understand/indentify the same pains that he goes through in the thriller.
  However, the audience won't be able to identify with the events of the situatuin that occurs as they won't understand what the situation is or whats going on, due to the amount of enigma and unanswere questions that the thriller asks throughout. This attracts the audience though rather than acting as a deterent, as they then want to find out more about the situation and try to figure out whats happening, as then they either may be able to relate to it, or just becomes intruiging to the audience and so what to watch on for that reason.

The positioning of our audience during the thriller isn't with the main character, nor is it against him. This is because the audience is positioned in a mutual position from the beginning of the thriller, as they don't know enough about the character or anything else to be positioned with the character. However, the audience is positioned in the same room as the main character, and so therefore become positioned slightly with the main character, however they do not feel the emotions the character feels. The audience are intended to be positioned in the same room as the main character, watching what he does and what happens, but are not on his side, and they do not feel the same emotions that he feels,
due to the enigma surrounding him. This also makes the audience confused as they have certain exspectations and theories about the character, which however become twisted at the end of the opening due to the sudden outburst, meaning the audience cannot side with him nor can they be positioned with him.

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