Thursday 4 February 2016

Thriller Story Board Planning

Figure 1

Thriller Planning Story Board: Figure 1 & 2 show the first scene, with Furnace walking towards his house with the credits playing throughout. The scene will use lots of close ups and mid shots to create an enigmatic feel around Furnace, as we don't know anything about him. The audience doesn't get to see his face until later on in the scene (shown in figure 2), where it is shown in a mirror. 
Figure 2

The shots in Figure 2 uses relatively fast paced 
editing to create distortion and enigma around 
what is going on in the scene. 

Figure 3

The scene in figure 3 is slower paced than that of 1 & 2 with more mid shots and tracking shots with less fast paced editing. Also possible slow motion shots when the locket is falling to the floor and opens to reveal the picture of his wife inside. 


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