Sunday 17 January 2016

Pitch and Treatment:

P1 - Extreme close up of the key in the door (to his house) and (guys name) walks up the stairs. Goes into room with a wall which pitcures of suspects (mostly crossed off with red marker), newspaper cuttings/articles, maps etc with pins and string linking them. Whilst walking towards the wall he picks up a pen (red marker) and crosses off the last face. Looks at the wall and leaves to enter the bathroom, which has a cuboard (with a mirror on it) and opens it. He picks out some pills/medication and closes the cuboard. Then takes the pills with a glass of water. Stares into mirror/washes face. Gets angry and wipes desk clear/pulls down the wall. Walks down the stairs and leaves the house, when slams door shut, black screen fades to the shot of the outside. Walking down an alleyway with the locket in his hands/looking at it. He, whilst walking down an alleyway is bumped into by another man, and drops the locket. As the locket hits the floor it opens and the audience see the photo inside it for the first time (the mans wife). Shot reverse shot of the locket and the two characters faces. Main character flips and kills the other man. Camera follows the man down as he falls to the floor, and final shot becomes an over the shoulder from behind the man on the floor, with the main character walking away. Fades to black and Title is shown.
P2 - Taking influence from Se7en, we are using a duffel bag as our McGuffin by having it placed on the floor (closed) with blood seeping through onto the floor. We are seeking to establish the character of Detective Furnace, a man who lost his wife to a kidnapping and murder, along with his unborn baby dying in the process. And so vows to find his wifes murderer and bring them to justice by any means

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